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Primary Care Support problems

There have been significant problems with support services for general practice. At the BMA's July meeting of the General Practitioners' Committee (GPC) a vote of no confidence was passed in Capita's handling of its contract to deliver Primary Care Support Services. LLR LMC and the GPC are...

Preparing for CQC Registered Manager Interview

You can expect to provide assurance that the registered manager is: of good character able to properly perform tasks that are intrinsic to their role has the necessary qualification, competence, skills and experience to manage the regulated activity has supplied documents that confirm their...

Accelerated Access to GP Records

GPC Accelerated Access to Records Programme - October update Following on from the guidance that GPC England (GPCE) shared with practices last Friday, we are expecting to continue dialogue with NHS England in the coming week to ascertain how practices can be best supported in the lead up to the...

111 Dispositions

The LMC has receives lots of concerns regarding 111 dispositions to practices. We are aware this is causing general practices a lot of confusion. The existing NHS Pathways system utilised by NHS 111 providers currently produces general practice disposition with a range of response timescales...

2018/19 Indemnity Settlement & the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP)

Please see the information relating to the 2018/19 Indemnity settlement. GPC England and NHS England have agreed the amount to cover the increased cost of indemnity for 2018/19. This will again be £60m and be paid on a per-patient basis equivalent to £1.005 per patient. Practices and individual...

2022/23 NHS Seasonal Influenza

The LMC will include all the information as it prevails relating to the 2022/23 Influenza Season. 02.03.21: Reimbursable vaccines and eligible cohorts for the 2022/23 NHS Seasonal Influenza (flu) Vaccination Programme To highlight to practices that it states the following cohorts are not...

24/25 Key Contractural Documents

We have included the key contractural documents that relate to General Practice. National Contractural documents Local Contractural documents Primary Care Network DES National Contractural documents NHS contract documents Arrangements for the GP contract in 2024/25 Implementing the 2024/25...

48hr Wheezy Children

The LMC has received many complaints about the ongoing expectation on general practices to provide reviews to children 48 hours after being admitted or being seen in ED with wheeze. Whilst these are small numbers it is a clear indication of a commissioning gap that despite discussions for over...


The LMC continues to be concerned regarding the invidious position that GPs are put in when patients contact a surgery expecting aftercare following private bariatric surgery whether in this country or abroad. We have previous raised this with the ICB and will continue to do so until there is a...

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator for Health and Social Care providers in England. CQC inspects general practice using a new methodology since April 2014. CQC questions for nurses in general practice cover four areas: safety, effectiveness, patient care, and...

Checklist for new partners joining a practice

LMC Law have put together a list of things practices should consider when a new partner joins a partnership. Please note, that this is from purely a legal perspective and provides general guidance only. This is not an exhaustive list.

Covid19 Medical Exemption Certificates

The patient will need to contact 119 in the first instance. They will be provided with a form that a GP/specialist will be required to complete. The practice will need to log on and record the outcome on SCRa ( https://portal.national.ncrs.nhs.uk/portal/ ). Please note that the portal only...

DBS Checks for practice employees

DBS Checks The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) carries out criminal record checks for specific positions, professions, employment, offices, works and licences included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975. Practices are able to obtain employees via the...




Please find attached letter and FAQ’s with regards to the GP electronic annual practice declaration (e-Dec) for 2016/17. The 2016/17 eDEC will be opened for submissions over a six week period: from Wednesday 09 November to Wednesday 21 December 2016. All GP practices are required to submit...

EMAS: Procedures for 'deaths in the community' following implementation of NHS Pathways at EMAS

East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS) has changed its procedures relating to deaths in the community. This follows the implementation of NHS Pathways telephone triage system in our Emergency Operation Centres. The attached briefing, circulated on 11 March 2024, confirms the change...


GPC response to the Home Office consultation on statutory guidance to police on firearms licensing and a flowchart to guide GPs and police through the licensing process are now available on the BMA website


Once again the DHSC has issued a press release before informing practices of a new scheme. This scheme involves supplying at-risk patients with 4 months' worth of Vitamin D. Please see the full statement from the DHSC below, but in summary the LMC suggest that practices advise their...

Freedom to Speak Up

The LMC is the only independent body with a statutory duty to represent all general practitioners. We are a democratic organisation with a governing body of representatives, elected by our members. LMCs were first established by the National Insurance Act 1911 and has been included in the...

GDPR Information pack

What is GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. This regulation will be effective from the 25th May 2018. Where GP’s are concerned this applies to personal and sensitive data...

Gender Incongruence in Primary Care

After recent concerns expressed by GPs regarding clinical requests being sent to them for patients going through the gender reassignment process, the BMA have released guidance for GPs that may be concerned on their role as a prescriber in this instance. The guidance consists of: Commissioning...

Gender Pay Gap in Medicine Review

The Gender Pay Gap in Medicine Review was published on 16th December and can be found here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/944246/Gender_pay_gap_in_medicine_review.pdf It is the largest review of gender pay gap in the public...

GP contract five-year framework

The NHS Long Term Plan committed £4.5 billion more for primary medical and community health services by 2023/24. This will support better care for patients outside hospital in their local communities. NHS England and the British Medical Association’s General Practitioners Committee have agreed...

GP contract negotiations for 22/23

The GPC has released the following statement in regards to the GP contract negotiations for 22/23. As you will probably be aware, despite negotiations between GPC England and NHS England about amendments to the five year contract deal agreed in 2019, NHS England announced last week that the...


NATIONAL If not now, when? GPC England ballot for GP contractors / partners Protect Your Patients, Protect Your Practice - Vote YES and use the BMA GP Practice Survival Toolkit The ballot to Save General Practice is open. Following the third annual contract imposition and with general...

Guidance for GPs - Partnership Agreements

UPDATED JULY 2018 The GPC have produced an excellent Guidance for GPs - Partnership Agreements- it covers all the aspects of what a partnership agreement should encompass, and should enable you to refresh your agreement. We would advise that the partnership agreement be updated each time a new...

Guidance on new obligation to complete biannual extended access survey

New obligation From October 2016, as set out in regulations, every GP practice in England will be required to submit an online return twice a year through the Primary Care Web Tool: www.primarycare.nhs.uk within a new module titled 'Biannual Extended Access'. This will set out what access to...

Guidance regarding processing calcium blood test results

Following discussions with UHL, the following guidance has been agreed for processing calcium blood test results. “The adjusted calcium assay is running with a mild negative bias (~0.05mmo/L) due to variation across the analysers. We are in the process to procure new analysers within the next...

Guidance to practices following requests from schools

Practices are often asked to provide letters to schools to support the organisations request, the LMC has provided some guidance to support practices on the most popular requests to inform practices of their responsibility. We have covered the following areas: a. School letters School fit...

HM Senior Coroner for Leicester City and South Leicestershire

31.07.19 - Leicester City and South Coroner - Turning off fax machine We have been informed by the Leicester City and South coroner’s office that from 1st August, they will be turning off their fax machine. All correspondence to the Leicester City and South coroner’s office including GP...

How to informally close your practice list

The LMC has recently received questions from practices about how to informally close their practice list. We have prepared these FAQs to assist practices. Which practices can informally close their list of registered patients? All practices have a contractual right to decline to register any...


Update June 2024 The LMC continues to receive queries regarding the prescribing of Inclisiran. During 2023/24 Inclisiran was part of the Basket of Services. It was included in the first drafts of the Community Based Service specification but has now been removed. There was an additional £10...

Launch of Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT) process in LLR.

ReSPECT is a national initiative being implemented by the Resuscitation Council and Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Health and Social Care has signed up to the process and will be launching this on the 1st January 2020. It has long been recognised that planning ahead for people with...

Launch of the 'New to Partnership Payment Scheme'

Launch of the 'New to Partnership Payment Scheme' Please click here for the documentation for the 'New to Partnership Payment Scheme. The scheme will formally launch on 1st of July, and will apply to all new clinical partners from 1st of April 2020.

LLR Clinician to Clinician (C2C) referral policy

OCTOBER 23 We have received reports of practices receiving letters from secondary care requiring patients to be referred to a different specialist or service. In the majority of cases these referrals should be done directly by the hospital. The agreed local protocol is attached, and the...

Local LLR Practice Protocols

The LMC recognises that practices need to develop, adopt and implement protocols within the practice. We have created a library of different protocols which practices are welcome to amend and adopt for their own practice: HRT prescribing protocol HRT patient information leaflet HRT Form HRT...

Locum GP and salaried GP handbooks

The locum GP handbook provides advice and guidance on all aspects of locum work, including on starting out as a locum, setting up as a business and establishing a contract for services with a provider. The handbook also provides advice to practices on recruiting locums. The BMA salaried GPs...

Meeting the reasonable needs of patients

Please note that guidance is available on meeting the reasonable needs of patients, which has been drafted in response to NHS England guidance issued to commissioners. It is available...

Model agreement between practices and locums

The BMA has produced guidance for both practices and locum GPs on model agreements. The guidance provides information on a range of areas which maybe helpful to practices and locum GPs. The guidance can be found here and covers fees, timetable of work, definition of core work, additional and...

Model contract for salaried GPs

The BMA has produced the following guidance on 'Model contract for Salaried GPs' Although there may be some differences in process in each of the four countries of the UK, the principles of this guidance apply to all. This guidance will explain and provide advice on: Minimum T&Cs for...

Network DES guidance

The Network DES guidance is available on this NHS England GP contract page, with a direct link here . It includes new sections on: Section 5: Financial entitlements, nominated payee and payment information Section 6: Extended hours access Section 7: Practices and PCNs crossing CCG...

New NHS Vaccination programme against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

GPC have issued an update following recommendations by the JCVI, two new RSV vaccination programmes will begin from 1 September 2024: Adults aged 75 - 79 years old Pregnant women to protect infants NHSE intend to commission this from General Practice as an Essential Service. This represents a...


The Government has introduced regulations that place a duty on registered medical practitioners to notify the coroner of certain deaths, and what information should be provided. They apply to England and Wales. This becomes law on 1 October 2019. Read the Ministry of Justice’s guidance on...

NHS England Retained Doctor Scheme 2016

NHS England have announced a refreshed Retained Doctor Scheme From 1 July 2016 NHSE are increasing both the money for practices employing a retained GP and the annual payments towards professional expenses for GPs on the scheme. Practices employing a GP on this scheme will now receive...

NHS Influenza Vaccination in the Community

We have been working closely with our colleagues at Leicestershire and Rutland Local Pharmaceutical Committee to minimise any issues this year, between practices and pharmacies. We have developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between practices and community pharmacies. This has been...

NHS Property Services

We are often asked advice by practices occupying premises owned by and rented from NHS Property Services. Many practices do not have a lease and frustrations can arise when they are asked for excessive or inaccurate services charges, or when they feel pressured into signing up to a lease. We...

NHS Property Services & Community Health Partnership

Community Health Partnership The BMA is currently supporting 5 practices in legal proceedings against NHSPS on this same issue. These proceedings are ongoing and NHSPS have repeatedly requested extensions, but we expect a resolution soon. Until that time our guidance remains as it appears here...

October 23: GPC Accelerated Access to Records Programme update

Published 13th October 2023 Following on from the guidance that GPC England (GPCE) shared with practices last Friday, we are expecting to continue dialogue with NHS England in the coming week to ascertain how practices can be best supported in the lead up to the 31st October go-live date and...

Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism

All GP practices in England must ensure their staff receive training in learning disability and autism, including how to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability and autistic people. This requirement was introduced by the Health and Care Act 2022 in July last year. The...

Ordering MED3 forms

We have recently had a number of queries about how to order MED3 forms. Practices have been told that they are not available on Primary Care Support England's (PCSE) online portal within the supplies catalogue. Some practices were advised that the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) were...

Out of Stock Guidance and Checklist Document

The out of stock guidance and checklist document has been agreed (May 2020) It has been added to to the LMSG website. It can be found under Guidelines- Guidelines by category-Shortages and Discontinuations of Medicines. The link is...

Payments for GP performers covering sickness leave

2017/18 GMS AGREEMENT FAQs Guidance published by the BMA is available here Any further questions, please dont hesitate to contact the LMC office on 0116 2962950 or enquiries@llrlmc.co.uk

PIP Applications

PIP is not part of GPs contractual work – neither the initial application for assessment nor the appeals process. Initial application for assessment: The process appears to be sub-contracted to a company called ATOS and if ATOS believes receiving a GP report would be helpful for them in making...

Police requests for medical notes from general practice

The BMA has received new legal advice regarding medical note requests received from the police, which are detailed below. Pro forma for practices There is clear guidance regarding the obligations that GPs have with respect to copying and/or release of the GP record. For your reference, these...

Practice Mergers

Advice for practices thinking about merging and top tips. Be prepared to eat, drink and sleep mergers but remember that the majority of your staff won’t be at the same level as you so will need to hear information many more times than you might think is reasonable! Also, be aware that if there...

Prescribing non-prescription (over the counter) medication in nurseries and schools

Updated 18th September 2019 The BMA has provided the following guidance on Prescribing non-prescription (over the counter) medication in nurseries and schools Non-prescription /over the counter (OTC) medication does not need a GP signature/authorisation in order for the...

Primary Care Network (PCN) DES Guidance

NHS England and the BMA have published the following guidance on Primary Care Network DES. Network Contract DES guidance The LMC is working with the CCGs, NHSE, GPC and other relevant bodies, as well as Clinical Directors to support PCNs. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to...

Quick step by step guide to the GP Induction and Refresher scheme (England)

This is a brief summary to help you understand all the steps required under the GP I&R scheme in England. GP I&R scheme in England. There are a number of steps you will need to undertake to be able to register and work as a GP in the NHS. For eligibility criteria please see the GP NRO website...

Request for inclusion of information on death registration

Information provided by Registration and Coroner’s Service Manager at Leicestershire Registration Service Death Registrations with Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) Any death that isn’t referred to the coroner must be registered by law within five calendar days. The Registrar...

Requests from UKHSA (Added March 24)

From time-to-time practices will be asked by UKHSA to assist in vaccinations, investigations or prescribing prescriptions for families or residents in a hostel or home. These are not included in the GP core contract. Some services are commissioned from DHU, but otherwise the ICB will pay a...

Requirement for COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment

The LMC has received several queries from member practices in regards to the requirement for COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. We are looking at the best ways we can support our members practices, but at a time we are still not clear what the wording of the legislation will...

Sickness cover for GP/Reimbursement costs for cover

Information relating to practices claiming reimbursement costs for GPs when off sick. Sickness cover reimbursement for GPs We have also negotiated important beneficial changes to sickness cover reimbursement. Practices are currently at considerable financial risk of paying for sickness absence...

Sub-letting practice space

Generally, if the practice is receiving rent from those subletting, then it would be reasonable for the notional rent to abated. However, if this is not the case and the room is being used to provide services that are supporting the delivery of Primary care this would not be the case, though it...

Travel immunisations/vaccines

PLEASE READ THIS GUIDANCE PAGE IN FULL AND CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS The LMC often receives queries from practices in relation to immunisations, specifically travel vaccinations and what is core and non-core for practices to deliver, so we hope this guidance provides some clarity to...

Update for patients: applying for and renewing your lorry and bus licence with a D4 medical form

In consultation with the British Medical Association (BMA), GPs have agreed to aim to accommodate D4 medical appointments for working drivers to make sure that they are available to the transport industry. If your lorry or bus driving licence is due to expire as normal, or if you've been issued...

Update on Death Registrations

The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages office are currently preparing for the next phase of death registrations for any deaths occurring in Leicestershire. We intend to move to the electronic transfer of Medical Cause of death certificates between Surgeries, Hospitals and our service and...


The BMA supported five GP practices to bring a legal challenge against NHSPS try to clarify the legal basis for NHSPS's dramatic increases in how service charges are calculated. The BMA now continues to support the same practices to defend legal proceedings brought against them by NHSPS in...

Zero Tolerance

We are all aware that practices have a difficult time when they have patients who display consistently unacceptable behavior, which is time consuming, puts a strain on staff and adds extra workload to practices. The following guidance has been developed by the LMC to reflect guidance from...