Covid19 Medical Exemption Certificates
The patient will need to contact 119 in the first instance. They will be provided with a form that a GP/specialist will be required to complete. The practice will need to log on and record the outcome on SCRa ( ).
Please note that the portal only works using the Internet Explorer browser. Once you have logged your decision, the patient is sent a letter advising whether they have an exemption or not. Payments will be made to the practice automatically without any need for the practice to take any additional action.
The details of how to do this is at:
If you are struggling to navigate national links, you can use the 'How To Record a Covid-19 Medical Exemption in the SCRa'
There will be a £44.00 item of service (IOS) fee paid by the NHS for every request that is processed (regardless of whether agreed to or declined), once it is posted onto the Summary Care Record.
Criteria for Covid Medical Exemption
In accordance to the government guidance the following criteria/reasons for medical exemption are:
- people receiving end of life care where vaccination is not in the person’s best interests
- people with learning disabilities, autism or a combination of impairments which mean that vaccination and testing result in distress and who cannot be vaccinated through reasonable adjustments such as an accessible environment
- a person with severe allergies to all currently available vaccines
- those who have had an adverse reaction to the first dose (for example, myocarditis)
Other medical conditions could also allow you to get a medical exemption.
You can also get a temporary exemption which will allow you to use the COVID Pass if you have a short-term medical condition or are pregnant and choose to take this option.