Freedom to Speak Up
The LMC is the only independent body with a statutory duty to represent all general practitioners. We are a democratic organisation with a governing body of representatives, elected by our members.
LMCs were first established by the National Insurance Act 1911 and has been included in the various NHS Acts over the recent past and is included in the Health and Social Care Act. They are the oldest surviving organisation of the UK health system.
The LMC offers the role of Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (FTSU) to all the practices in LLR. If you wish for the LMC to act as your practice Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, please email us at
Speaking up about any concern you have at work is vital because it will help us to keep improving services for all patients and the working environment for our workforce.
You may feel worried about raising a concern, and we understand this. In accordance with our duty of candour, our senior leaders and entire board are committed to an open and honest culture and encourage, and value issues being raised. We will listen to what you say, and you will always have access to the support you need.
At LLR LMC we are committed to promoting an open, transparent, and supportive culture to ensure that everyone feels safe and confident to speak up about issues that concern them, and for you to know that we will act upon your concerns. We know that effective speaking up arrangements help to protect patients and improve the experience of our workers.
Attached is a copy of the LMC policy and poster to display in staff areas.
LLR LMC Freedom to Speak Up Guardians
The LMC has two trained Guardians who have completed the necessary training and are recognised by the National Guardians Office (NGO).
- Dr Fahreen Dhanji, LMC Deputy Chair & GP -
- Charlotte Woods, LMC Operations Manager -
There is an option to also speak to an LMC FTSU Guardian by telephone, 0116 2962950. We recognise that people might often feel scared or worried to speak up, so would like to speak up but not have their identity known. If this is the case, we have an annonymous like for contatcing LLR LMC FTSU Guardian - please click here to use the anonymous form
- GP mythbuster 87: Freedom to Speak Up - Care Quality Commission (
- NHS England » Freedom to speak up
- How To Speak Up - National Guardian's Office