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  • To be impartial and non-judgemental
  • To inspire hope
  • To be kind to ourselves and each other
  • To be honest and straightforward
  • To be courageous, wise and trustworthy

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If not now, when? GPC England ballot for GP contractors / partners

Protect Your Patients, Protect Your Practice - Vote YES and use the BMA GP Practice Survival Toolkit

  • Vote YES to keep the pressure up.
  • Vote YES to protect your practice and to protect your patients.
  • Vote YES to save general practice.

The ballot is open to all GP contractors and partners in England and will close on 29 July (to vote you must be a member of the BMA).







LMC Newsletter - July 2024

Our recent newsletter has been circulated to our members, and in this month we have covered the following topics in this newsletter:

  • LMC Meeting July 2024
  • GMS Contract for 2024-25/Roadshows and onwards
  • Minor Surgery
  • CBS Updates
  • Local Practice Clinical Protocols
  • Wheezy Children – 48-hour checks
  • Medical Examiner Service
  • Celebrating General Practice / Awards Ceremony
  • An LMC Fit for The Future
  • Upcoming LMC Events – BOOK NOW

Medical Examiner (ME) Process Update Letter 

Dr Ingrams, LMC Executie Chair has written the following letter on the ME process update to constituents which the process is live from 9th September 2024. We would encourage the practices to make themselves aware of the process ahead of 9th September.

Please click here to view the ME process update letter, and we have issued guidance aleady which is available here .

LMC press release: “General practice is broken, and we are calling on all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to pledge support for all actions needed to resuscitate general practice, without which the service is likely to go the same way as NHS dentistry.” says LLR LMC

The LMC has published a press release following our recent open letter to prospective parliamentary candidates. Please click here to view the latest press release from the LMC. Any questions, please contact the LMC office.

LLR LMC June Newsletter

We have circulated our June Newsletter to all LLR members which includes feedback from our LMC Board meeting held on 12 June 2024, and other current issues. Please note the section regarding CBS where we advise practices NOT TO SIGN THE CONTRACT until the LMC are satisfied.

Open letter to all local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland LMC have written an open letter to all local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to ask them to pledge their support for general practice. We are inviting all GPs (partners, Salaried and Locums), Practice managers, GP registrars, other clinicians and staff to sign it. We would also welcome support from Chairs and members of Patient Participation Groups.

A copy of the letter can be accessed here and an opportunity to sign the open letter is here .

GP Contract Guidance

GPC England has now drafted contractual guidance on the 2024/25 contract following the imposition on 1 April and the following guidance documents. Please note these are living documents, subject to revision and update. They will be available on GP contract 2024/25 changes ballot (bma.org.uk) shortly.

There is also a planned update of the safe working guidance, which will be launched at our Roadshow events.

We will be looking to schedule a lunchtime talk to provide practices with the opportunity to hear & discuss the contract - details will follow in due course.

LLR Available to Work initiative

LLR LMC are keen to develop and support the General Practice workforce in LLR. As a result, we have recently developed the ‘available to work’ link – we anticipate that this will share the following with the profession in LLR:

  • availability of locums (GPs, Practice Managers, Nurses)
  • details of people looking for a more substantive post with LLR practices e.g. Salaried GP, Salaried with view to Partnership.
  • to provide practices with details that could potentially fill such roles

This is a free service that the LMC is offering to promote all roles to LLR practices. It is important to note that, we have not endorsed any adverts for vacancies/(GP, PM or Nurse), availability or opportunities which have been included on our website and it remains the responsibility interested parties for conducting the relevant checks.

Individuals can be added to our mailing list and availability can be added on the link below:

Please note, we will not be sharing personal contact details in the public domain, but we will replace contact details with a reference linked to individuals, and if a practice wishes to contact you directly – we will ask the practice to contact the LMC and at that point, will provide relevant contact details.

 Our vacancies section of our website can be accessed  here .

We will share this regularly with our network and GP practices as this develops. To find out more information, contact the LMC office on enquiries@llrlmc.co.uk 

May LMC Newsletter

We have sent a copy of the LLR LMC May newsletter to all members. This month we have covered the following areas:

  • LMC Meeting April 2024
  • Claiming for Safeguarding Work
  • GMS Contract for 2024-25/Roadshows and onwards
  • Minor Surgery
  • Path Lab Reports
  • CBS Updates
  • Local Practice Clinical Protocols
  • EMAS - why am I contacting the GP?
  • Wheezy Children – 48 hour checks
  • Travel Vaccinations
  • Medical Examiner Service
  • ACC08 IIF Indicator for 2023/24
  • Monitoring of patients with MGUS /Paraprotein
  • Premises Costs Directions
  • Digital Campaigning Masterclass

Updated BMA safe working guidance

In our recent communications we have referred to safe working in General Practice, this afternoon the BMA has updated its safe working guidance document which we have shared below for your information:

In the new year, the LLR LMC will be focussing on this area and will update practices accordingly.