NHS England Retained Doctor Scheme 2016
NHS England have announced a refreshed Retained Doctor Scheme
From 1 July 2016 NHSE are increasing both the money for practices employing a retained GP and the annual payments towards professional expenses for GPs on the scheme.
Practices employing a GP on this scheme will now receive £76.92 per session per week compared to £59.18 previously.
The annual payment towards professional expenses for GPs on the scheme will increase from £310 to between £1,000 and £4,000 depending on the number of weekly sessions worked. For example £1,000 for one session worked, £2,000 for two sessions worked etc.
The scheme is open to:
- Doctors who are currently designated as ‘retained doctors’
- Doctors who are interested in the scheme and hold full registration with the GMC and are on the National Performers List
Retained doctors in this scheme may work between 1 and 4 sessions per week, and may remain on the scheme for up to five years, with an annual review each year to ensure they remain eligible. The additional resources will be paid to practices via their usual payment route. This additional resource will be available for up to 36 months from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2019.
For full guidance and FAQs see NHS England's website:
NHS England Retained Doctor Scheme
NHSE have instructed applicants to contact their local Health Education (HEE) GP Dean, who will be able to provide information to potential applicants. Our local deanery have been in touch to advise applicants should contact Clare Cooper at clare.cooper7@nhs.net