Practice Managers Support

We recognise that the Practice Managers are usually the heart of General Practice, but the role is often described as isolating and expectations and workload are forever increasing. The LMC is here to support Practice Managers as much as we can, and have recently done a PM survey to look at the workload, morale and general feeling amongst the profession.

As a new Practice Manager, it can be really hard to navigate the different areas to ensure you claim everything you should and when, connecting with the right people as well as ensuring the practice is complying with CQC and delivering the contract.

We have included a few areas which we hope to provide support and guidance to support Practice Managers. 

Contracted Services

We have a series of documents on the key documents page which shares information on the contracts and claiming.

Non-Core Services in LLR

The LMC regularly receives requests from practices asking what services are included, or not included in the core contract. We have dedicated a page and highlighted the non-core services in LLR; Non-Core Services in LLR – Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Local Medical Committee


Last Updated on 29 January 2025