
The Guidance Section holds a wealth of information on a wide range of subjects relating to general practice. We have tried to arrange the guidance as simply as we can but we would encourage you to use the Search Guidance facility.


Locum Reimbursement Claims

It is important that practices claim on a timely to support cashflow within the practice. The following forms included in this update: LOC1 Sickness form LOC4 Maternity form LOC5 Paternity form LOC6 General claim form Maternity Locum reimbursement to cover...


Accelerated Access to Records

Part of the Government’s imposed 2023/24 GP contract in England, included practices contractually obliged to provide patients with online prospective access to their records. Practices’ contracts require them to abide by this from 31 October 2023. The LMC has...


Smoking Cessation Medication (Quit Ready)

The LMC has recently received queries from several general practices as patients have been directed to them to be prescribed Zyban. General practices are not commissioned or funded to provide a smoking cessation service, which includes prescribing. As it is not...


Private weight loss clinics (Wegovy/Mounjaro)

The LMC has been contacted by several practices concerned about private weight loss clinics writing to practices asking them for information about whether a patient has any contraindication to be prescribed medication (Wegovy/Mounjaro). The responsibility to decide...



UPDATE BY DR GRANT INGRAMS, LLR LMC CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER The LMC have been consulting with the ME service, coroners, registrar service, and funeral directors about feedback following the change in the death processes from September 2024. Just as a reminder this...


Minor Surgery DES

The LMC Board continues to consider our strategy for Minor Surgery from April 2025. We have written to Dr Caroline Trevithick (CEO, LLR ICB) to request to commence discussions for 2025/26. In addition, we are liaising with other LMCs and have highlighted this with...


Practice Managers Support

We recognise that the Practice Managers are usually the heart of General Practice, but the role is often described as isolating and expectations and workload are forever increasing. The LMC is here to support Practice Managers as much as we can,...


48hr Wheezy Children

BACKGROUND The LMC receives a number of complaints from practices in relation to ongoing expectation on general practices to provide reviews to children 48 hours after being admitted or being seen in ED with wheeze. Whilst these are small numbers it is a clear...


Local Practice Protocols & Template letters

Practice Protocols The LMC recognises that practices need to develop, adopt and implement protocols within the practice. We have created a library of different protocols which have been shared by local practices and practices are welcome to amend and adopt for...


New/Retiring GP Partners

It is important that practices ensure they consider notifying the appropriate organisations when GP Partners are joining or leaving a practice. We have tried to develop a list of key contacts for practices/Partners to inform of upcoming changes within the...


Payment for Safeguarding reports

Did you know practices can claim for any safeguarding reports submitted? If you don’t already claim for safeguarding reports, this is a reminder to practices should invoice the ICS for any safeguarding reports completed by the GP. a. Background The...


Practice Mergers

Advice and tips for practices thinking about merging Be prepared to eat, drink and sleep mergers but remember that the majority of your staff won’t be at the same level as you so will need to hear information many more times than you might think is reasonable!...


Removal of patient from GP registered list

The main pathways for a general practice to remove a patient from its registered list are summarised as a flow chart in Annex A. The number in each section refers to Schedule 3 of the National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts)...


Visa Sponsorship for Newly Qualified GP

The BMA has partnered with legal firm Magrath Sheldrick, who oversee our immigration advice service, to develop a webinar on navigating the GP sponsorship process. The webinar is aimed at GP employers and offers practical tips on how to navigate the current...


2024/25 Key Contractual Documents

We have included the key contractual documents that relate to General Practice. National Contractural documents Local Contractural documents Primary Care Network DES National Contractural documents NHS contract documents Arrangements for the GP contract in 2024/25...


Waiting Times Overview for GPs

The ICB publishes the latest RTT waiting times by speciality across the local providers each month. It also breaks down the waiting time for UHL split by speciality across the admitted and non-admitted categories. This is a monthly report that will be updated and...



Following our previous communications in the LMC September newsletter around the concerns raised about the Optum element of the Medicines Optimisation Framework (MOF), we have since discussed these concerns with the ICB on behalf of practices. To outline, Optum...



Update June 2024 The LMC continues to receive queries regarding the prescribing of Inclisiran. During 2023/24 Inclisiran was part of the Basket of Services. It was included in the first drafts of the Community Based Service specification but has now been removed....


Shared Care Agreements/Medications

Shared Care Agreements (SCA) is a topical matter within the LMC, specifically around Private Providers and whether they have to accept SCA. Shared Care is incorporated within the Community Based Services (CBS) contract, so practices should make sure they are aware...


Collective Action

 2024-08-03 LLR Guide IA.docx  FINAL LMC Collective Action webinar.pptx Following the almost universal support for both the referendum and non-statutory ballot, the LMC is now encouraging every practice in LLR to undertake at least one of the 10...