What We Do

GP and patient

We Understand

We are dedicated to advising, supporting and representing the diverse needs of our members throughout their professional journey, on matters that have an impact on General Practitioners and their teams. We understand the complexities and challenges faced in the ever-evolving pressures and landscape of General Practice, which is why we offer tailored assistance across various domains.

Our goal is to empower our members with the tools and resources they need to thrive in General Practice and their roles. By fostering strong relationships with key organisations and providing expert guidance, we are committed to ensuring that every member feels supported and well-equipped to meet the demands of their profession.

We Advise

We offer valuable, expert advice to GPs and practice managers on a range of essential issues, from partnership concerns to business planning. Our support also covers critical areas like premises management and contractual matters, ensuring practices have access to up-to-date guidance tailored to their needs.

In addition to our in-house expertise, members can benefit from our strong partnerships with key bodies such as the British Medical Association (BMA), the General Practitioners’ Committee (GPC), the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and other partnership organisations that can have an impact on General Practice. Whilst the LMC does not directly offer legal and HR advice to our members, we can signpost members if they need direct support in these areas.

Doctor and a young patient doing a high-five
GP and patient

We Support

We are here to provide support for members whether that is for contractual matters, health and welfare or require pastoral support – all members are treated in confidence and with respect.  We rely on our members as much as you can rely on us, to share the continued pressures of General Practice, from the asks which equates to increased demand to heavy workloads, we offer confidential, experienced help whenever it’s needed.

Our support covers a variety of different areas that supports General Practitioners and their team, for example but not limited to facilitating discussion for partnership issues – when things might appear to be steering off track, when General Practitioners find them faced with performers issues, providing pastoral support, even stepping in where medical defence organisations can’t assist.

We also help doctors returning to work, undergoing remediation, or facing enquiries by the GMC or NHS England. In all these cases, we provide guidance to protect both the professional standing and well-being of our members.

We Represent

We ensure that the voice of General Practice is heard, and appropriately represented and considered in all areas that effect General Practices. We have worked hard and continue in developing and maintaining relationships with key partnerships across the system such as University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL), Leicester Partnership Trust (LPT), NHS England’s regional teams, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS), Derbyshire Health United (DHU), Public Health, Local Authorities, Healthwatch, and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

We also manage media relations for practices, offering guidance on responding to press enquiries and helping them handle public statements to ensure accurate representation.

In times of difficulty, such as when doctors are under investigation or facing contractual risks, we provide critical support. We act as a hand to hold and provide pastoral and practical assistance, aimed at safeguarding the careers and reputations of medical professionals during these challenges.

GP and patient

How we are funded

The Statutory Levy

All LMCs are funded by a statutory levy. This amount is collected from practices and is based on an amount per patient. This is reviewed yearly and set by the LLR LMC. It is currently set at 42p.

This money funds the office and LMC board members. It also funds board members representing general practice with the ICB, Local Authorities, NHS England and other bodies from time to time.

The National Levy

In addition to the statutory levy, the LMC also collects a national levy. This is a separate levy which is collected to fund the National Negotiating Committee (GPC) and the GP Defence Fund (GPDF) and supports national negotiations regarding General Practice. This rate is set by the GPDF and is also based on an amount per patient. It is currently set at 6p

A brief guide to the General Practitioners Defence Fund Levy

The General Practitioners Defence Fund continues the work of the fund established in 1911 to support General Practitioners’ negotiations with the Government. The Fund is presently established as a company limited by guarantee, the members being the voting members of the GPC. The main expenditure of the fund is supporting the GPs, who work for the GPC, and its national subcommittees in Wales and Scotland and who need to take time out of their medical practice, and the Annual Conference of LMCs. The Annual Conference provides the principal channel of accountability between the GPDF/GPC and LMCs. The fund also supports legal, accounting and other professional advice and, where required, contributes to the cost of legal challenges which are deemed of national importance. The GPDF works closely with the BMA, but it is not, unlike the BMA, registered as a Trade Union.