Practice Protocols
The LMC recognises that practices need to develop, adopt and implement protocols within the practice. We have created a library of different protocols which have been shared by local practices and practices are welcome to amend and adopt for their own practice:
- ARRS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Protocol for Shared Care Prescribing with Private Providers
- HRT prescribing protocol
- Processing urine samples protocol (adults)
- Processing urine samples protocol (under 16s)
- Contraceptive pill protocol & checklist for repeat prescriptions
- Referral Letter for MGUS Repatriation to Haematology
- ECG Policy
- Expedite letter – awaiting first appointment
- Expedite letter – follow up
- Pill form for patients
- Private Providers request for reports
- Right to choose patient information
- Non-responder protocol
Please note these protocols have not been endorsed by the LMC, but are being shared to support shared working. We welcome comprehensive protocols from practices, which you are happy for us to share within our library for LLR members.