Locum Reimbursement Claims

It is important that practices claim on a timely to support cashflow within the practice. The following forms included in this update:


Locum reimbursement to cover maternity leave.  Please complete and return to nnicb-nn.eastmidlands-pcgp@nhs.net with a copy of the following:

  • Copy of the relevant page of the employment contract or partnership agreement which confirms the length of time the GP will receive full pay during their maternity leave.  
  • MATB1 Form 
  • A letter from the GP stating when they plan to start Maternity Leave. 

You are entitled to claim support for a maximum of 26 weeks to cover maternity leave. 

Also, enclosed is a LOC6 form to be completed in full and returned to nnicb-nn.eastmidlands-pcgp@nhs.net with the relevant supporting documents (i.e. invoices for the period of the claim). 

Please ensure that the Invoice Weekly Breakdown tab within the LOC6 form is completed.  The sessions completed per GP providing cover along with the invoice amount or salary paid to the GP providing the cover must be entered in the relevant section.

LOC6 forms should be returned monthly using a separate claim form for each absent GP.


Locum reimbursement to cover paternity leave.  Please complete and return to me with a copy of the following:

  • Copy of the relevant page of the employment contract or partnership agreement which confirms that the GP will be paid their full salary for the duration of the leave.
  • MATB1 Form.
  • A letter from the GP stating when they plan to start Paternity Leave.

You are entitled to claim support for a maximum of 2 weeks at a maximum of £1211.64 per week.

Please complete and return the attached LOC5 application Form.

I have also enclosed the new LOC6 form, could you please complete in full and return to me.

Please ensure that the Invoice Weekly Breakdown tab within the LOC6 form is completed. 

The sessions completed per GP providing cover along with the invoice mount or salary paid to the GP providing the cover must be entered in the relevant section.


Locum reimbursement to cover sick leave (LOC1).  Please complete and return to nnicb-nn.eastmidlands-pcgp@nhs.net a copy of the following:

  • The sick note for the period of absence confirming the first day of sick leave
  • Confirmation of sick leave taken in the last 52 weeks
  • Confirmation of the sickness entitlement
  • For a salaried GP – extract from the contract stating sick pay entitlement.
    • For a partner – extract from the partnership agreement stating drawing during sickness.

Attached LOC1 and LOC6 form to be completed in full and returned with the relevant supporting documents (i.e. invoices for the period of the claim and copies of sicknotes). 

Please ensure that the Invoice Weekly Breakdown tab within the LOC6 form is completed.  The sessions completed per GP providing cover along with the invoice amount or salary paid to the GP providing the cover must be entered in the relevant section. 

LOC6 forms should be returned monthly using a separate claim form for each absent GP.  

You are entitled to claim support for a maximum of 26 week at the full rate and 26 week at the half rate within a 12 month rolling period.  The entitlement begins after the first 2 weeks of sickness. 

Last Updated on 28 January 2025