2024/25 Key Contractual Documents

We have included the key contractual documents that relate to General Practice.

  1. National Contractural documents
  2. Local Contractural documents
  3. Primary Care Network DES

National Contractural documents

GPC England has now drafted contractual guidance on the 2024/25 contract following the imposition on 1 April and the following guidance documents. Please note these are living documents, subject to revision and update. They will be available on GP contract 2024/25 changes ballot (bma.org.uk) shortly.

The GPC have updated their safe working guidance, which is part of Collective Action and the LMC has addressed all the Collective Action points within the main guidance page.

Local Contractural documents

Primary Care Network

The 24/25 Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) Contract Documents have now been published and are available below.

The updated specification and guidance take effect from Tuesday 01 October 2024.

Contract documents

Practices are currently working on an imposed contract, we have included all relevant contract documentation and can be accessed via the  LLR LMC: GMS Contract

Last Updated on 22 October 2024