After years of fits and starts the revised process of certifying the cause if death changes from 9th September 2024. Please see the updated LMC guide attached and we recommend that you keep a printed copy with the new MCCD book. If your practice has not received a new book of MCCDs, please email .
Please take away any remaining old MCCD books and shred any unused certificates. The counterfoils can be shredded after 2 years (Records Management Code of Practice – NHS Transformation Directorate ( .
The processes to be followed after death change significantly from 9 September 2024. This short guide for GPs has been written with the kind input from the Senior Coroners, Senior Medical Examiner, Senior Registrar, and a Funeral Director.
The main changes that will affect GPs are:
- Have ‘attended’ the deceased before death.
- Know ‘to the best of your knowledge and belief’ the cause of death.
- Know that there is no requirement to report the death to the coroner (Annex C).
- Consider consulting the Medical Examiners’ Office if you are unsure about any of the above (Contact: 0116 258 3102/250 2946, 07814 028098 or 07815 457565).
To complete an APMCCD (which replaces the old MCCD) you will need to:
There is no longer any requirement for the certifying GP to have seen the deceased:
- within 28 days prior to death, or
- after death, or
- face-to-face/in person at any time prior to death (See FAQs).
Once completed the GP MUST send the APMCCD to the Medical Examiner service, together with a brief summary of the events leading to the death and any other relevant information (in preference using the PRISM form, although the ME service will also accept a completed Arden’s ME report template).
After 9 September 2024, all deaths must be certified using the new APMCCD even if the death occurred before that date.
Please find attached the guidance in full and the following Annexes:
- Annex A Flow chart of death process for GPs.
- Annex B Frequently Asked Questions.
- Annex C Notifiable Causes of Death.
- Annex D Attending Practitioner Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (APMCCD).
- Annex E Boundary Map for the two LLR Coronial areas.
- Annex F Contact Details Adjacent Medical Examiner Services
Where this guide refers to GPs, it also means GP Registrars (and any other fully registered doctor working in general practice).
This guidance is accurate at the time of writing.
Key documents:
- LLR LMC press release on the new Medical Examiner service.
- LMC Guidance in full: Death Process from 9-9-2024
- Dr Ingrams, LMC Chief Executive Officer update – January 2025
Please contact the LMC if you have any questions or concerns about the process.