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LLR Available to Work

We are keen to develop and support the General Practice workforce in LLR. As a result, we have recently developed the ‘available to work’ initiative – we anticipate that this will share the following with the profession in LLR:

  • availability of locums (GPs, Practice Managers, Nurses)
  • details of people looking for a more substantive post with LLR practices e.g. Salaried GP, Salaried with view to Partnership.
  • to provide practices with details that could potentially fill such roles

This is a free service that the LMC is offering to promote all roles to LLR practices.

It is important to note that, the LMC has not endorsed any adverts for vacancies/(GP, PM or Nurse), availability or opportunities which have been included on our website and it remains the responsibility interested parties for conducting the relevant checks.

Individuals can be added to our schedule list and availability can be added on the link below:

Please note, we will not be sharing personal contact details in the public domain, but we will replace contact details with a reference linked to individuals, and if a practice wishes to contact you directly – we will ask the practice to contact the LMC and at that point, will provide relevant contact details. If a practice is interested, please contact us at enquiries@llrlmc.co.uk 

 Our vacancies section of our website can be accessed here .

We will share this regularly with our network and GP practices as this develops.