Opportunity for LLR GP to join LLR LMC Board
The LMC are seeking GPs motivated and committed to represent, develop, and protect general practice to join the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Local Medical Committee (LMC).
Six of the seats for the LMC governing body (Board) are up for election. The newly elected board will meet for the first time at the November Board meeting (Wednesday 13 November), although new members will be invited to attend the October Board meeting (Wednesday 9 October) in a shadowing capacity.
The constitution requires no less than eleven elected board members of whom a minimum of four GPs to be elected from the city, four from the county and one from Rutland. Due to the constituencies of the remaining members, for this election we are looking to elect a minimum of two from the city, and two from the county. The other two seats could be taken by a GP from the city, county or Rutland.
This time the board will also include a minimum of three sessional GPs and one newly qualified GP within five years of achieving their CCT. The remaining board members include one sessional GP, so will are looking to elect a minimum of two sessional GPs and one newly qualified GP. Regarding these posts, if they are not elected in the top six, then we will co-opt those who otherwise have achieved the highest votes until the posts have been filled.
The term of office is for four years, and existing board members are eligible for re-election.
Eligible GPs can self-nominate to stand for election, with a statement of up to 200 words to be included on the election form. Eligible GPs, are those that fulfil all of the following criteria:
- Work as a partner or sessional GP (salaried or locum) for one or more practices in the Leicester, Leicestershire, or Rutland areas.
- Are on the performers list
- Are eligible to be a director of a limited company (all Board members also become a director of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Local Medical Committee Limited – Company number: 06278584)
- Willing to abide by the LMC governance documents (see below)
The following documents have been attached for your reference:
- Committee member role description
- LLR LMC constitution
- LLR LMC code of conduct & Conflict of Interest policy
In addition to the GP members, this year the LMC will also be holding separate elections for two practice managers (one from Leicestershire & Rutland, and one from Leicester City), and for one GP Registrar.
Returning Officer for this election is Charlotte Woods (Office Manager, LLR LMC).
This letter is being sent to everyone on the LMC mailing list. Could you please ensure all GPs working with your practice (partners, salaried and locums) have a copy, and if anyone has not received it directly and wishes to register to stand for election and/or to vote please email: enquiries@llrlmc.co.uk
If we receive more nominations than we have available positions, the LMC will conduct elections for the vacant seats within the governing body. All LLR GPs working for a levy paying practice will have one vote, which will be via an online voting system and further details will be made available in due course.
- Thursday 22nd August 2024: Election pack details sent to all LMC constituents
- Wednesday 4th September 2024: Deadline for completion of nomination forms to be submitted (5.00pm)
- Wednesday 11th September 2024: Voting opens for LLR constituents
- Wednesday 25th September 2024: Voting closes (5.00pm)
- Thursday 26th September 2024: Returning officer to verify the votes and sign off election results
- Friday 27th September 2024: All applicants are notified of outcome.
- Wednesday 9th October 2024: Newly elected board members will be invited to attend the LMC board meeting in a shadowing role
- Wednesday 13th November 2024: First meeting of the new LMC Board to include election of Chair and Medical Secretary/Chief Executive Officer.
To complete a self-nomination form, please complete the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/selfnominationapplication
If you would like an informal conversation about this role, please contact Dr Fahreen Dhani, LMC Deputy Chair – Fahreen.dhanji@llrlmc.co.uk