Computer-generated fit notes
Please see attached Med3 FAQs and Fit Note Guidance - Fit notes can be handwritten or computer-generated and printed out.
Computer-generated fit notes have the added benefits of:
- Automatically completing certain parts of the fit note to save you having to fill them in each time you issue one.
- Ensuring that your advice is easy to read for patients and employers.
- Removing the need for you to re-write fit notes if duplicates are required, as other staff members can print out duplicate copies.
- Enabling clinical management and fitness for work advice to be monitored together for patients with long-term conditions.
- Improving the continuity of patient care generally – for example if patients are seen by different GPs.
- Allowing you to share knowledge and learning points with colleagues in your practice by carrying out appropriate internal audits.
All GP practices now have access to computer-generated.
Updated on Thursday 2 March 2017,